brown study


brown study

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Englannin sanakirja

brown study (englanti > suomi)

  1. miete|alt=mietteet|p

brown study englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A melancholy mood accompanied by deep thought; a moody daydream.

  2. 1851, (w), Moby-Dick:

  3. So gathering up the shavings with another grin, and throwing them into the great stove in the middle of the room, he went about his business, and left me in a brown study.
  4. 1893, (w), "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box":

  5. Finding that Holmes was too absorbed for conversation, I had tossed aside the barren paper, and leaning back in my chair, I fell into a brown study. Suddenly my companion's voice broke in upon my thoughts.
  6. 1978, (w), Livia, Faber & Faber 1992 (Avignon Quintet), p. 428:

  7. But Quatrefages glared at his plate in a brown study.
